"Everyone thinks of themselves, only I think of myself" - Male and Female Narcissism

To the content

There is healthy narcissism, which means: one takes good care of oneself, looks after oneself and defends one's own interests. And there is pathological narcissism. No one wants to be with a pathological narcissist, a person who only has his own interests in mind, and certainly not if he also fulfils the characteristics of the "dark triad" (apart from narcissism, these are Macchiavellism and psychopathy), is manipulative and aggressive, if necessary also acts violently and, with loss of impulse control - or even worse: coolly sadistic - asserts his interests at the expense of everyone else around him.

However, there are some differences between so-called male and female narcissism. What both have in common is that it is not excessive "self-love" but, on the contrary, a lack of self-esteem that is hidden behind the behaviour.

In the seminar we address the following questions, among others: What are the similarities and what are the differences between the excessive narcissists of the sexes? What are the prognoses for treatment depending on comorbidity and which psychotherapeutic approaches have proven effective?

Opportunities for case discussion are provided.

An account on MH Academy | The Stress Experts is required for booking!




11:00 - 18:00


119,00 €