How stigmatising are "DIAGNOSES" - Discussions about ICD-11 and DSM-V

The example of personality disorders best shows what has happened in professional discussions and clinical practice between the predecessors of the diagnostic manuals and the current ones, and how the trends are emerging. Generally, the diagnostic manuals are accused of being "bloated", of pathologising all kinds of things, etc. But the opposite is true. But the opposite is the case. In fact, diagnoses have only been regrouped and, especially in the ICD-11, more pragmatically formulated. How can one work with the two manuals? To what extent can psychotherapists, for example in the field of psychotrauma, find the state of research mapped with clinical references in the manuals, and how should the revolution in the ICD-11 be assessed in relation to the field of psychopathology of personality disorders? With opportunities for case discussion.

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13:00 - 18:00