Year Group 2023
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Year Group 2023
All events of the MH Annual Group 2023
In the year-long group, the "state of the art" of diagnostics and trauma treatment for dissociative disorders is taught. Michaela Huber attaches particular importance to conveying the theoretical and practical therapy knowledge of dissociative identity splitting (D.I.S. or formerly "multiple personality); but all other dissociative and dissociation-like processes, from everyday absorption to ego-state disorder and other phenomena of the so-called "dissociative disorder not specified" (D.S. n.n.b. or DDNOS) are also explained. The distinction between "simple" post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complex post-traumatic stress disorder (DESNOS) as well as differential diagnosis and comorbidity (for example with borderline disorder) are also covered.